Laura & Sebastian-Brympton House
This wedding was on fire! and quite literally for me whose hair caught alight mid ceremony (I have curly hair which gets in the way of everything and in this case a lit candle)
So where to begin…. you may think from the beginning of the day but my story started with this couple or should I say one half of the couple back in 2002, where I met Laura in my Performing Arts class at Reigate College, we quickly became friends and spent many a drunken night at Tiger Tiger in Croydon and in our spare time learning choreography for a brother/sister duo we were backing dancers for and we even did our final A-Level performance together where Laura decided she got the nice part and I had to kiss this gross looking boy playing the part of her mum (thanks Laura). We did part ways when we went to Uni but I did get to stay at two of her apartments in NYC, and met a couple of times across the pond.
Fast forward to a beautiful November sunny day (ok so I lie here a little) we weren’t luckily with the weather, but we carried on. Laura which I knew she would had, quite simply packed a shit ton (pardon my french) into this day, like I have never seen so much happen at one time. When I was shooting the groups there was a silhouette geezer cutting people’s faces, there was a surprise TikTok dance by her Urdang alumni, we did have sideways rain which we had to abandon the sparklers, we had this crazy hoopist comeout after the band, I couldn’t even count how many hoops she wriggled around her body, then the cresendo.. Fireworks…. in the rain.
The next day I needed to sleep for about 12 hours to get over this incredibly fun-filled, emotionally charged (I must have cried 10 times) wedding. It was a pleasure to finally meet all your crazy friends I had seen so much on Insta (mainly you Julia) and very pleased to meet Sebastian who is super lucky to have the wonderful Miss Cleary as his wife. May you two have more fur babies, sell loads of houses and live a happy life and as Elvis says… (in my Panto voice-yes I am currently rehearsing for Snow White)…
Darling, so it goes
Some things are meant to be….. x
Venue- Brympton House
Dress- Wona Concept
Bridesmaid Dresses- Jenny Yoo
Make-up- Amy Elizabeth Makeup
Grooms Suit- Bakers of Bond Street
Flowers- Goldfinch Studio
Styling- Brympton House
Catering- French Kitchen
Cake- Zaza Marcelle
Videography- Storybox Films
Camera Assistant- Holly Bobbins
Entertainment- Swing Ninjas - Siona Stockel-Harpist - Alley Catz-Band - Darren James-DJ